Some of your new neighbours are the so called Musikkombinat with the rehearsal rooms of the Chemnitzer Bandbüro, which supports the local music scene, little pubs, cafés and meeting spaces, a citizens radio station, some start-ups and unusual specialist shops.
More beautiful is only the Milky Way
The quarter: The Brühl is one of the most exciting living quarters in the city. Stirred up by creativity and development, it is once again the place to live. Even if it is still a bit quiet here, this is only because everybody is waiting to make some KRACH (noise). Boasting lots of restored Gründerzeit buildings and retail stores, the Brühl is a showcase, a symbol of hope and a future creative quarter with an intensifying potential for KRACH.
The location: Within a few minutes walking distance from the opera house, the municipal swimming pool and the Schlossteich park with a boating pond, the city centre and the university. Thanks to the main train and bus station just around the corner the world is yours to explore.
Some of your new neighbours are the so called Musikkombinat with the rehearsal rooms of the Chemnitzer Bandbüro, which supports the local music scene, little pubs, cafés and meeting spaces, a citizens radio station, some start-ups and unusual specialist shops. Moreover, there are the facilities of the Technologie Centrum Chemnitz, a business incubator. Meeting and training rooms are being built here for ambitious IT start-up founders and aspiring geeks.
The use: This space is a former dairy shop - you are reminded of this by the tiled walls lending the place its very own nostalgic flair. And still, nothing in here has received its final finish – you have more than enough room (53 m2 to be exact) for letting your creativity run free. The space has been thoroughly renovated and will be KRACH-finished together with you according to your needs. You can make any noise in there that is allowed in residential areas.
The offer: The first two years are rent-free. You only pay the ancillary costs, that means 2.50€/m². In the third year, the rent will be raised gradually. You can agree with your landlord to what extent. So, you have three years before you need to pay the local rental price.

In addition to the open workshop of "Holzkombinat" a "natural creative project shop" is planned.